Are you currently working from home? Chances are, you or someone you know, has been working remotely in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the stay-at-home orders across the country and the world. While, in theory, working from home sounds fantastic–staying in PJs all day, avoiding commuter traffic, and having flexibility and control over how you organize your time, the reality is much, much different. Especially if you are working at home with children. Staying focused, staying productive, and, yes, STAYING SANE, is easier said that done, amirite? If you are nodding your head vigorously while simultaneously exhaling a long sigh (and it’s only 10AM!), this list is for you! I have been rocking the work from home game for a few years now, the last couple with a little nugget in tow! Read on for my top 10 tips for staying productive while working from home.

Tip #1: Start a Morning Routine

As a stay-at-home mom who was a work from home gal long before little miss came along, I would argue that having a morning routine is the most important tip I can share for successfully working from home. Your morning routine can, and should, be simple. Over-complicating things can add more stress than it relieves (trust me, I know this from experience!). There are a few key elements to a good morning routine IMO. First and foremost, get up early. This is especially crucial if you have little ones. Those early morning minutes to yourself to get your head around the day and prepare yourself for the tasks ahead are far more important than the extra minutes of sleep. Now, I’m not saying that I ALWAYS get up early, because I most definitely do not, because, well, life happens. BUT I will say that when I start my day by jumping out of bed without hitting the snooze button, my ENTIRE day runs more smoothly and I get a lot more done.
Another important element of a good morning routine is to go ahead and get dressed! It’s tempting to lounge in PJs all day, but you will feel soooo much better if you dress for the day. I’m not saying you need to go full make-up (but, by all means, if you have the time, go for it!), but do take a quick shower, brush your teeth, wash your face, and get fully dressed. Your psyche will thank you for it.
Finally, make sure that your morning routine involves some self-care. Meditate, do a workout, drink a cup of coffee (I could not live without my morning latte!), or journal….or do all of the above! Just make sure that you have a little “you time” before you dive into the day, so that there is plenty in your cup when you are pouring into others.
Here is my morning routine for those of you who are curious!
- Wake up. Shower. Brush teeth. Get dressed.
- Turn on the oil diffuser.
- Drink Breville Espresso machine, and I could not rave about it more!!)
- Sit down to organize my day.
- Meditate and affirmations (there isn’t always time for this, but my day is ALWAYS better when I can fit it in).
- Quick straighten around the house (fluff pillows, dishes, etc.)
- By this time, little miss is up, so I make up our bed (yes! we co-sleep!) and start her morning routine.
Tip #2: Define Your Workspace

While I know that everyone doesn’t have a designated home office, it is oh-so-important to pick a space in your home where you don’t sleep, eat, or relax and set it as your work space. If you have a separate home office, that is fantastic, but if not, there are still some creative ways to set up your WFH space. For me, I have a space set up on our counter where I am able to keep my laptop, notebook, and various supplies out of Addie’s reach. You can also set up a station at your dining table. I love the idea of re-purposing a bar cart to become your mobile WFH work station as seen here on The Every Girl. Get creative, but know that creating a separate work space will make life so much easier when you are working from home.

Tip #3: Get Organized
Now, I know that organization seems like such a daunting thing. And here I am asking you to get organized at the beginning of every day?! Whaaat? Maybe you don’t fear organization, but I am one of those artsy, creative types, so historically organization was NOT my forte (in some areas of my life, it still isn’t if you ask my husband! ha!).
I actually go through phases with how I organize my to-do list, and I think that’s totally okay! When I am in a pen-to-paper mood, I am an Erin Condren gal! I love all her planners, and I have a set of gel pens so that I can color-code all my different to-dos! If you are a planner gal (like I am!), you should totally check out my FREE printable of inspirational quotes to give your planner some extra pizzazz! 😉
Beyond writing things down in your planner, it’s good to have a plan for your day. Shining Mom has a fantastic WFH planner, and I highly recommend you check it out.
Tip #4: Create a Schedule (and stick to it!)
When you are working from home or mom-ing (or BOTH!), a schedule is LIFE! For me, I have to balance work time, play time with the little, plus meals, and trying to get in some time outdoors everyday. Oh, and then there’s that whole working out thing! If it were just me, I would probably skip most of my meals and binge on junk food late at night (guilty–insert shame face!). BUT, thankfully, it’s not just me so I have to break from my work to make sure my little love bug is happy and fed. I personally LIVE by my Apple Watch, and no, I’m not just saying that. When you are glued to a computer creating content and designs for most of the day, that little “it’s time to stand” alert takes on a whole new importance. I can easily get sucked into my work and not realize what time it is (or that I haven’t moved my body in an hour). It also cues me into why my little is throwing toys or, in general, making a fuss. LOL! That was quite a ramble just to say, when you are working from home, it is SO important to create a schedule and stick to it. Your schedule could be something simple, like work for an hour, then break for 20 minutes to go outside/move/insert ____________activity. Make sure that you schedule meal times so that you don’t hit 3:00PM and realize that you haven’t eaten all day and are ready to chow down on whatever is within reach (also….guilty).

Tip #5: Keep A Tidy Work Space
Any Marie Kondo fans out there? 🙋♀️ For any of you who have read “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, you KNOW the importance of keeping your home tidy. Well, when you are working from home, keeping your work space tidy is just as important. I don’t know about you, but I work best when I am in a clean, orderly environment. Which, not gonna lie, is pretty difficult with a toddler running around! Because, I would literally get nothing done if I stopped every ten minutes to pick up all the toys and throw pillows and food and everything else that gets thrown about over the course of a day, I focus on keeping my work space neat and orderly (I still DO pick up the toys and the food–I’m not barbaric!–but I usually wait and do that when the little bean goes down for an afternoon nap and again after she goes to sleep at night.).
I love to light a candle or diffuse essential oils when I am working, because I just work better when there’s a pleasant fragrance in the air (Bonus if it has therapeutic properties!). I also keep my journal, papers, and mail organized and neatly stacked (currently OBSESSING over this Russell + Hazel desk organizer!). I tend to keep my work space small and manageable so that I don’t get overwhelmed when the house is getting messy from life with a toddler!

“Many people carry this type of negative self-image for years, but it is swept away the instant they experience their own perfectly clean space. This drastic change in self-perception, the belief that you can do anything if you set your mind to it, transforms behavior and lifestyles. This is precisely why my students never experience rebound. Once you have experienced the powerful impact of a perfectly ordered space, you, too, will never return to clutter.”
― Marie Kondō, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing
Tip #6: Take Breaks
I cannot stress enough the importance of taking breaks when you are working from home! It is so easy to get caught up in your work and LITERALLY work for hours straight without pause. I am saying this, because I have fallen victim to this WFH trap MANY times. I think a good rule of thumb is to work for an hour and then take a 20-minute break. During your break, put your phone down, go outside, and move your body. Play with your little (if you have one). Do some deep breathing. While you make think that working solid through the day without breaks will allow you to get more done, the reality is that you will become distracted and burned out and your work quality will suffer.

Tip #7: Stay Hydrated
One of the great things about working from home is that you have ZERO excuse not to stay well-hydrated. It is no secret that staying hydrated has a multitude of health benefits, so take advantage of your flexible work schedule, and keep that water bottle filled at all times! I always keep a water bottle beside my laptop to remind me to drink water throughout the day. BONUS: it is a major appetite suppressant!
Tip #8: The Rule of Three
The Rule of Three is simple and effective.
- List out three things you will do today.
- List out three things you would like to do, but are not essential.
- List out three things that need to be done at some point.
I love following “The Rule of Three” for the simple reason that IT WORKS! This to-do list tip is such a great way to encourage time-management and prevent procrastination. BIG WIN in my book!
Tip #9: Noise. Cancelling. Headphones!
Who let the dogs out? Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo…..Anybody else remember this song from waaaaaaaaay back in the day? I know I am dating myself with this one! HA! But at my house, the dogs (three to be exact) and the toddler are literally OUT every. single. day. Sometimes, the noise is enough to drive a sane momma crazy! That’s when I know it is time to bust out the noise-cancelling headphones. Seriously, in a chaotic day of screaming, barking, and cartoons, there is nothing more peaceful than putting on my headphones and listening to a calming podcast or meditation music. I highly recommend this for anyone working from home–momma or not!
Tip #10: Express Gratitude
Last but definitely not least, is gratitude. The simple act of being grateful that you are able to work and have a job, especially in these trying times, is SO POWERFUL. I, like many, am guilty of getting focused on my lack of help, never-ending to-do list, and all the many, many things that need to be accomplished over the course of a day, but as soon as I shift my focus back to gratitude, my entire perspective shifts. For those of us lucky enough to work from home right now, let’s all say a collective “thank you.” Because there are millions of people out there who have lost their jobs and do not know how they are going to pay bills this month. Start and end your day with gratitude, and take time to focus on all the many things you have to be thankful for throughout your day. Because that thing you are stressing about is very likely a stress that so many wish they had.
If you want to take your gratitude one step further and help those who are not fortunate enough to work from home, Forbes has a great article that links out to many organizations that are accepting donations.
I hope that my top ten tips for working from home has given you a fresh perspective on a reality that so many are now being faced with! With the right attitude and tools, you can make your WFH time joyful and productive. Stay safe and healthy!
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